i'm still on a blogging break {well, i think}
but i logged into blogger to post our giveaway winner
and before i knew it, i was uploading these photos of my twin sisters too.
sometimes i can't help myself.
we spent a lovely few days together here in DC,
full of lots of outings, shopping, dining, and late night conversations.
i dropped the boo boo's off at the dorm yesterday and like a proud sister,
i cried alone in the car on the 4 hour drive back to DC.
they are such intelligent, beautiful & courageous girls.
and i am so proud of how far they've come and who they are today
despite some serious hardships along the way.
i love you, boo boo's!

and let's not forget the main reason i'm blogging today:
our giveaway winner:
congrats! email me you which print you'd like & shipping address!
and to everyone else,
thanks for being awesome.
have a great weekend...
be back soon!