hello. i'm back.
and, oh how i've missed you.
thanks for the kind encouraging emails and comments.
and also for the thoughts and prayers.
it means a lot.
you mean a lot to me....
so the other night when i couldn't sleep, i made a little happy list in my head.
i wrote the list down the next morning and have since been adding things to it.
i didn't realize it at first, but i hadn't actually written one down
silly me.
so long ago....
far, far too long ago.

15 things that make taza terribly happy:
{sometimes it's hard listing just 10}
- sharing a bowl of ice cream with one spoon
- wishing on fallen eye lashes
- old vintage electric fans
- cuddling under the comforter before the alarm clock goes off
- vacuuming
- modern medicine
- feeling his scruffy beard against my cheek
- unexpected letters in the mail from my sweet mother
- people watching from the passenger seat of a car
- that first big breath of fresh air you take when you step outside in the early morning
- eskimo kisses. butterfly kisses.
- memories of grandma and grandpa barica
- anticipation for the holidays
- wedding cakes
- blogging friends around the world
have a beautiful weekend!
keep calm and carry on....