last week,
our car got towed (my stupid fault)
and then locating it was a complete nightmare (thanks d.c.)
which brought on melt down #2 for me this week
and kingsley and i got caught in the rain 7 blocks from home
which gave me and baby a ridiculous cold.
and my family dog, dear buster, age ten, had to be put to sleep...
among other sad and annoying things which took place
that i'm aware i shouldn't complain about
because i know people have bigger problems in the world.
but honestly, it was just a rough week.
so i couldn't wait to crawl into my bed and go to sleep last night
knowing that morning brought monday, and i would get a "do over."
so, i can't believe i'm saying this, but i'm so glad it's monday.
and a new week. a fresh start.
so very happy about this.
happy happy monday!