aren't baby shoes the cutest? these little worn out nike tennis shoes once belonged to husband. we're totally putting them on baby. be it boy or girl (we aren't going to find out the sex! we like surprises...)
oh gosh, it feels so good to finally be talking about this little baby on the way. it's all we think, talk and dream about over here at our house. and thank you so much for all the love! it really means a lot reading through your emails and comments! we didn't feel like any of it was real the past few months, so we held off as long as we could to share the news because i thought we'd jinx it. but the baby has been kicking nonstop this past week which has made this all feel like it really is happening. best feeling ever, those little kicks.
i am half way through my pregnancy, 21 weeks along and due in early january. and so far, baby is looking healthy and on track! we can't wait to meet our little rockstar! we've been waiting (sometimes patiently, sometimes not so much) for this baby for a long time. january can't come fast enough!