currently loving everything pumpkin... from the pumpkin sitting outside our front door to the pumpkin muffins and pumpkin cookies we've been baking nonstop at our house.
also really happy with how cool and crisp it feels outside. (glad the humidity is finally gone for a few months.) i am such a sucker for tall riding boots and big thick scarves. this is my season!
and we cannot wait for halloween at our house. mostly because it's also kingsley's first birthday. and he is going to make the cutest little ninja ever! we've been practicing our ninja moves together! he's looking good...
p.s. for those who have asked on twitter, i haven't gotten around to typing out my mom's pumpkin cookie recipe just yet for you, but this one is also really good. i've used it before (but i like to triple the amount of chocolate chips per batch!) xo