what i love about kingsley:
- his puppy kisses, puppy breath, sweet nudges
- how he insists we rub his tummy first thing every morning
- that he's excelled in potty training with the puppy pads
- how sweet his little snores sound
- that he doesn't cry or bark at our bedroom door when we go to bed for the night
- that he lets me wipe his wrinkles down everyday without fussing about it anymore
what we're working on:
- only biting chew toys. never hands, feet and most importantly, my frye boots.
- staying out of the fireplace when a fire is going (why does he love to sit inside the protective screen and watch the fire? scary)
- staying in our carrier and not crawling onto my lap when i'm driving the car
- no barks to get onto the furniture
what i'm working on :
- resisting the urge to turn every conversation into a "kingsley" conversation with friends and strangers
- feeling ok with letting him stay home for a few hours on his own
- not letting him up onto the furniture when he barks or cries at it (i give in very easily to his barks and cries)
- putting my shoes away
- being patient while we work on "not biting"
gosh, do we love this little guy.