we are thrilled 2010 is here!
- looking forward to lots of "kingsley" things.
- excited for 2010 travels to utah, florida, NYC, and cabo, mexico.
- fulfilling new goals and exciting work projects
- exploring DC more and being more adventurous
- maybe exercising a little
- giving more hugs to people and not feeling awkward about them
- developing myself more spiritually-- strengthening my testimony of the gospel
- celebrating birthdays, a 3 year wedding anniversary and other special holidays
- planning a costume party for kingsley's 1st halloween birthday (eeeek!)
- moving forward with other personal goals and dreams
- embracing everything else that's thrown at us this year-- the good, the bad....all of it!
bring it on, 2010!
we love you already!
*p.s. we die over kingsley's turtleneck (thank you sarah and dmitri)
and his obsession with sitting beside the fire for hours watching it crackle. he's a goof ball.