2009 was certainly a wonderful year for us, perhaps our best yet.... so much happened. good and bad. but mostly, good.
here is a little recap of some of our favorite moments from 2009:

in the spring we still lived in nyc-- we rang in the new year with fireworks in pennsylvania with friends, saw devotchka perform at webster hall, ate lots of burgers and hot dogs, i started my love,taza shop on etsy , began freelancing and for exercise, we held dance parties in our kitchen. we went to a killer crush party, i pretended i was mary poppins on the brooklyn bridge, and we continued our search for the perfect burger together.

in march we got extremely lucky as josh was offered a fabulous new job in DC. we packed up our studio apartment in harlem and moved right as the cherry blossoms in DC came to life!
in april we bought a vw beetle and drove across the united states on a little road trip where we had the best fried chicken in memphis and best cupcakes in nashville. we spent a weekend in arizona seeing friends get married, got costco memberships (that was a happy day!) and began to explore our new city.
in may, i traveled to nyc a bit for work projects and while there saw the most magical thing in my life. i started publishing lots of happy lists on the blog which made my summer such a happy one.

in june we got our first flat tire (boo), redid our dc kitchen, josh surprised me with a trip to the dominican republic for my 23rd birthday and our two year wedding anniversary, friends from new york came to visit, and we painted our walls bright colors.
in july we saw the marine corp band perform, got to know eastern market better, celebrated the 4th of july here in dc, and had our own sparklers show in our back alley....
in august and september we went to the fair, ate summer dinners on the back porch, took a few trips to nyc, i worked on a dance film in brooklyn, went camping together in shenandoah, went to the us open in nyc, and discovered the waterfront here in DC...
in october we saw regina spektor in concert and got to interview her on the phone! we went to the pumpkin festival in germantown, went to florida and waterskied on lake george, almost won a cereal eating contest, had spooky dinners and carved pumpkins.
in november i attended the launch party for the anthropologist, we had a lovely thanksgiving here in dc with my twin sisters, i switched my etsy shop over to an offical url!, and watched the leaves turn beautiful colors on capitol hill.
in december, we got snowed in on capitol hill which almost crushed our beetle, built cozy fires in our living room, decorated a christmas tree and added a new addition to our family...kingsley.
while 2009 was such a beautiful and favorite year, it also came with a few unexpected hardships. but we have grown so close and learned so much experiencing them together. bad days, bad news, bad experiences have really made us appreciate the good days, good news and good experiences we have been blessed with. josh said to me the other day, "2010 is going to be our year!" and guess what? i believe him. hooray for 2010!