please stop letting a cold draft in through your cracks. brrr.
dear jersey sheets,
you are my new favorite thing. josh's too.
dear marci,
i can't wait to see you today!
dear winter mittens, hats, scarves, leg warmers,
thanks for keeping me warm.
dear christmas music,
i'm finally allowed to blast your tunes without annoying remarks from everyone. hooray!
dear body,
thanks for not getting too sick on me, with the season and all. i promise i'll try to keep exercising for you....even though it's really cold now.
dear timed lights all over DC,
it's only fun when i hit every green light.
dear polaroid camera,
one pack of film left! eek.
dear zengo,
josh and i think you make the best gyoza in town.
dear car wash,
now i can see the beetle again! thank you!
dear snow,
we saw a glimpse of you on saturday! now we know it IS possible to storm in DC! more snow snow snow!