so do you remember when our blog sponsor dressing on the side
graciously gifted josh and me those fabulous t-shirts,
"in search of the perfect burger?"
you know, those t-shirts both josh and i LIVE in and love
because of their perfect fit and oh-so-clever design?
{and normally i'm not a t-shirt kind of gal. only for these.}
this week dressing on the side is offering
any t-shirt in the shop, to a lovely reader!
you choose!
so go take a look around the shop
and comment below before friday, december 4th!
*also, dressing on the side is offering $5 off all t-shirts
when you use the code "rockstar" in the comment of your etsy invoice
at check out. {discount or refund via paypal.}
**i just bought this one for josh for christmas. don't tell him.
it's my new favorite. so good.