i am bringing back the happy lists!
mostly because when i receive one, it makes me feel so happy.
and i kind of love that feeling, very very much.
hope you enjoy them as well...
i loved this one my dear friend chanel emailed me today.
we studied at juilliard together and she's in her second season
dancing professionally with trey mcintyre.
i love her dearly.
10 things that make chanel terribly happy:
- yogi purely peppermint tea...mmm.
- laying on the grass, nuzzled in the shoulder of someone you love.
- laughing. uncontrollably.
- disney movies! especially the little mermaid.
- crepes. preferably with bananas and nutella.
- watching the sunset.
- sending and receiving lovely things in the mail.
- the indescribable feeling you get after performing for a loving audience.
- sweet, stolen kisses.
- bacon cheeseburgers. with fries.
thanks for sharing, chanel!
love you girl. xoxo
photo via papertissue.