a few more photos from saturday's monster storm.
we're supposed to be getting 8-10 more inches today...
i feel like i'm living in the mountains of utah again.
this first winter in DC has us all confused.
being snowed in the past 2 weekends in a row
has proven a few things at our house:
1. i get on josh's nerves after being cooped up together for 12+ hrs.
he needs his space. apparently, i don't need mine.
2. kingsley goes bonkers being stuck inside for days at a time.
he'll bite you a million times (i do not like this)
& forget everything he once learned about potty training & barking.
3. life would not be possible if it weren't for our corner market.
when every other store in D.C. runs low on supplies,
the corner market still has milk, cookies & pellegrino (and no lines.)
4. it's time for us to buy a shovel.