guess what? it's beautiful outside.
and it's supposed to stay nice out there all weekend. can't wait.
my mom and little brother isaac are flying into DC tomorrow night!
we are very excited to see them!
we also have "clean under our bed" and "organize the cupboards"
on our list of things we'll be doing this weekend. bleh.
our friends are also getting married in DC tomorrow,
so we can't wait for the dance party that will follow....
and i hope to eat lots of homemade paella this weekend!
it is one of my favorites.
we always use this recipe from williams-sonoma
which marci brought to our attention. so good!
and... here is a jo totes camera bag giveaway winner!
congrats! please email me your contact info!
p.s. the shop is restocked so if you'd like a headband,
head on over...
*love this fun photo. found on flickr.