I think back to the time Josh and I got to talk with Regina Spektor on the phone last fall, and I realize I've lived on cloud nine for all the months that have followed. Interviewing Regina, a woman and artist I've admired for years, and learning more about what inspires her as a musician and a human being encouraged me to keep pursuing all the little dreams I have in my head, to just create without fear, and always work on being a better me.
There are quite a few people in this world that inspire me on a daily basis, and I'm so excited to share a with you a few interviews with these talented individuals as they share their thoughts and ideas behind pursuing their dreams and living life to the fullest.
I'm kicking these little Rockstar Interviews off with the talented Miss Elsie Flannigan, who, if you don't already know, I am sure you'll instantly love. She is the queen of making beautiful things and runs an online shop and local boutique in Missouri. I adore her blog - and her darling little pug! Hope you enjoy!

what i love most is thinking about how excited my 16 year old self would have been to know i would grow up and do a real 'dream job'. it's one of my happiest thoughts.
with Red Velvet work i keep daily goals (2-3 goals each day) so it's not overwhelming and i can get the most important things done. balancing time is tricky, but i got so much easier after i established a healthy routine that i could live with daily. I believe in protecting the things i love (including my relationships and my love for making things), so being healthy about goal making and time management is important. no one is perfect. :)