on memorial day, josh put on a red,white and blue striped tie and we crossed over the bridge to IHOP in arlington for an all american eggs, pancake, hash brown, french toast and bacon breakfast. (yes, we couldn't decide so we ordered it all). p.s. IHOP is making pancakes with bits of new york cheesecake inside and strawberries on top these days....i know it sounds sketchy to have cheesecake in your pancakes, but i was smitten by the picture and had to try them. and...yes yes yes, they are delicious! i'll be back for more.
anyway, we planned on stopping by the arlington cemetery next, but after sitting in traffic on the freeway for over a half hour by the exit, we decided to check out the cemetery another day, when everyone wasn't there.
we went home and walked kingsley around the neighborhood and then went to see the documentary babies. have you seen it? can we please have that baby from mongolia over to play? how much fun is that movie? then we walked around the world war I and world war II memorials which were less crowded as the evening went on and beautifully decorated with flowers and flags.
it was a good day. we feel blessed to live in such a great place and are very thankful for the honorable men and women (many of whom are part of our family) who have served and continue to serve our beautiful country.