this dog has discovered and fully embraced his mischievous side.
on friday, he got into a tote bag of groceries that hadn't been put in the fridge yet (this was my fault, for leaving the tote bag on the sofa.) he consumed 1 large red pepper (including the stem and seeds), 1 carton of blueberries, 1 carton of raspberries and 1 peach. he left NOTHING behind but a very clean peach pit. (and i was really looking forward to that peach.) p.s. yes, i know this was very bad for him to eat. and yes, i am glad we didn't buy grapes on this outing.
then on saturday, he tore up a filing cabinet where a blue sharpie marker was hiding. we came home to paper everywhere and our bulldog sporting a blue tongue and blue ink stained leg to prove he was guilty. (fortunately, it made for a really good laugh- that first time he stuck his tongue out and we saw the ink. thank goodness he makes everything so cute.)
and then he ate 5 apricots last night. (they were up high on the table and he still got them.) i feel like such a failure sometimes with him. the messes he makes! the things he gets into! aren't bulldogs supposed to be mellow?!