(once upon a time, i cooked a lot for my husband.... once upon a time.)
would you like to know something?
sometimes, if i close my eyes and think hard enough, i actually believe i'm a good wife.
then, i open my eyes.
we've had clean clothes sitting in the dryer for over a week now. missing socks or underwear? just go get a pair out of the dryer. this is my way of saying i hate folding clothes.
i've also made an empty tube of toothpaste last wayyyyyy longer than it should (think, many many days) because sometimes i'm lazy and think i'll remember to buy some without writing it down on our shopping list. it's almost like that tube is magic... the way it has lasted.
but i finally dusted our shelves. so maybe i am part good wife.
just thought you should know.
i'll do better next year.
*also, i know things like loving your husband, supporting him, being kind, encouraging, strengthening your marriage, etc are perhaps more important ways of being a "good wife." but i still believe i could do better at making our home a tidy and comfortable place to live. and, i should tell you now that josh is the biggest help around our house. thanks, josh.