you've made a huge comeback in my morning routine! i can't believe i'd forgotten your existence for over a year! i love you.
dear sisters,
i'm seeing you in a few short hours and I.CANNOT.WAIT.
dear julie & mark,
we're so excited for you and think your engagement story beats all. (as do celebratory get-togethers at good stuff eatery.)
dear drool,
i am so embarrassed you keep showing up.
dear NYC jury duty,
hello! why do you keep bugging me? i'm a DC resident now.
dear rain, cold, and wind,
i'd love it if you'd just snow already, or go away altogether.
dear 2009 Davis family Christmas tree,
you'll be our 4th tree we buy and decorate together. i won't say who, but somebody is going bonkers waiting to meet you!
dear cranberry sauce, stuffing & pumpkin pie,
ah! Happy Thanksgiving!