last week while i was in utah i got to spend a couple of hours with
my cute sister hannah before she drove back up to logan for school.
we were both really sick that day,
so we sat and chatted around the house
looking like monsters all evening
eating lots of delicious food thanks to our mom.
yesterday i was thinking about all the things going on in our life
and what i'm most thankful for.... undoubtedly, it's my family.
they are a huge source of encouragement, love and understanding...
especially during these last few months.
sometimes i think i take my family for granted.
they're awesome people (imperfect, yes...but aren't we all. ha. yes.)
i want to treat them better.
i want to be a better daughter, better sister, better wife.
i can't believe this little sister of mine is going to be 22 in a few weeks.
it feels like yesterday when we were both living in nyc together
in that little dorm on 65th and broadway going to school.
those were the days...
hannah and i are 18 months apart but sometimes i believe we are secretly twins.
i love her dearly. and am thankful to have her in my life.
she's a beautiful person, inside and out.
and i stole these photos off her facebook page.
she's a rockstar.
the end.