here's the thing. i LOVE food.
but i really don't like cooking.
i pretend i do sometimes.... because i feel like i'm supposed to.
but honestly, if it doesn't have less than 5 ingredients
or i can't throw it all in the crock pot, i don't cook it.
also, i like a lot of crappy food and i eat a lot of crappy food too.
i used to be embarrassed by this, but i just don't care anymore.
i like pop tarts and oreos a whole lot...
and i've stopped hiding them shamefully under the vegetables
in my grocery cart.
so yes, i guess i have a crush on processed foods.
however, i've taken on a new love for food blogs.
like, the good kind of food blogs.
with real recipes and healthy meals and all of it...
they have inspired me.
and i want to eat better. and cook more. and not let things go bad in my fridge.
also, it's about time i actually use that kitchen-aid
for something other than baking chocolate chip cookies.
i guess falling in love with a few food blogs is a start...right?
the food and recipe blogs that have changed me....
do you have any favorites? what about favorite recipes? wanna share?
image via seven spoons.