it's been cold and rainy in d.c. the past few days. not much has been happening around here. i kind of prefer it this way. we've been spending lots of time at home together which i love. i also love an early bedtime. so life is good.
oddly enough, regardless of less stress and more sleep, the bags under my eyes have doubled in size. there is no hiding them. also, kingsley got electrocuted this morning by chewing on a plugged in cord. (he is fine. it wasn't serious. although we're still trying to figure out how he moved a 40lb vintage suitcase we'd strategically placed to block the outlet to prevent this kind of thing from happening. i guess he's smart in some ways.)
we've been popping lots of popcorn over the stove at night and catching up on all our favorite TV shows as we fall asleep. (we're fans of castle, 30 rock, and lost at our house. i am also a fan of V but josh doesn't like that show very much).
last night we decided we should go do something before bed regardless of the rain, so we hurried over to fro.zen.yo. for a quick treat before bedtime. i like that it's self serve so you can pile on the toppings instead of being served 3 raspberries or 4 tiny gummy bears on top of your frozen yogurt. self serve. my kind of place!

the end.