in a few short days, kingsley will be 7 months old.
HOW does he already look like a cranky old man?
and he's not even full grown!
i thought you might like to reminisce with me for a minute
and look back on when he was just 7 weeks old....
this video was taken the day after we drove
all the way to ohio to pick him up.
{kingsley, 7 weeks old, playing with a pigs ear from the pet store}
he was pretty cute back then, huh.
we're still smitten today.
we've never met an animal
with so much personality.
seriously. we laugh all day long at him.
he certainly does NOT live up to the
"bulldogs are lazy and just sleep all day" myth.
nope. i think our friends the eyre's put it best
when they said "is he on crack?"
he is one crazy fun pup.
can't wait to see what he'll do next!