naomi's guide to making a bad day good!

i don't like offering advice or words of wisdom to others because i sure don't have a lot of things in life figured out. but i did discover one great method for turning a not so great day around that i'd like to share if you are interested...

if you're ever having a particularly bad day (i've had quite a few this past week), here is my simple solution to making everything better:

1. stop everything you are doing and go find your favorite person in the world and 2. together, find yourselves a street vendor lunch truck (for best results, make sure it's DC's Fojol Brothers) and sit yourself down on one of their blankets from merlindia and have yourself a curry lunch (and mango lassipop for dessert.)
i mean, if lunch at a street truck with your favorite person doesn't turn your frown upside down, at least the mustaches the fojol brothers sport will. right? (we love these guys. and plan to stalk their food truck all summer long.)
the end.

p.s. also, in my opinion, wearing bright colors can turn your day around too. (see yellow pants in photo as example). maybe this explains why i am always trying to find a new bright color of lipstick to wear.

p.p.s. my favorite person in the world is unfortunately not photographed in this post. but i'm pretty sure his name starts with an H and ends in usband.


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